I am not starving…

I thought, before I started this adventure, that I would be so hungry all of the time. I thought without meats I would never feel sated. You see, I have been a meat-eater all of my life (42 years) and while I was curious about Veganism, I wasn’t completely convinced.

Day eleven and I feel amazing. I don’t feel hungry and I don’t feel like I am starving! I don’t feel bloated or overly full after eating. I don’t have the afternoon sluggish feeling of needing another cup of coffee to get me through. I also get home and have plenty of energy to make dinner, enjoy eating with my husband and talk to each other.

I have been purchasing smaller dinnerware and switching out our old dishes as well. It has helped with portion control as I am an over-eater. I understand this about myself, and I really want to set myself up for success. Plus, I now have a new obsession for Rae Dunn pottery!

Overall, I am thrilled with the results I have seen in ELEVEN DAYS!!

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