REVIEW: Vegan Tuscan Rigatoni

36284649_963045127209749_7172316391834386432_nI must say, this dish really surprised me! If you want the recipe click here. The sauce is dairy-free and tastes so much like cheese, I felt guilty for a moment! I pre-made the sauce, Sunday afternoon so it only took me about fifteen minutes to complete this one and again…so good!

If you enjoy pasta and cheese sauces…try this one! I highly recommend it!

Tipping the Scale

I think what tipped the scale for me, no pun intended, was a challenge from a co-worker last week. We were tossing around diets and how to lose weight. We have quite a few co-workers losing weight and seeing great success on the Keto diet…and while he and I both agreed it would be an easier lifestyle than raw vegan, we really weren’t sold on the whole idea of adding fats/cholesterol to our bodies. He and I were having a debate on who weighed more between the two of us, and I was pretty confident I was going to win.  (I just wanted to add a little context as most women would be mortified by the challenge.) When I arrived home, I snapped a photo of the scale and sent it to him in a text.  Continue reading Tipping the Scale